Share the Love

Claysville and Donegal Township recognize the interdependence and many common interests we share with the communities of southwestern Washington County


The primary focus of this revitalization plan is the region’s economic center and traditional downtown – the “anchor” business district of Claysville and the surrounding (one-to-two-mile radius) area of Donegal Township. This incorporates some of the important local assets that must be part of a successful revitalization, such as the interstate exit, the McGuffey Community Park, and the in-progress National Pike Rail Trail connecting eastern Donegal Township to downtown Claysville.

Claysville is the foundation of the plan, but Claysville achieved much of its past and present success with the support of the region around it. To succeed, the plan must recognize and promote the townships of southwestern Washington County. The Claysville Area includes the Borough of Claysville and all municipalities in the McGuffey School District, including the Borough of Green Hills and Blaine, Buffalo, Donegal, East Finley, Morris, South Franklin, and West Finley Townships.

Incorporating the broader region’s priorities into this plan provides an opportunity to bring the community together around a common vision. Part of our process is identifying those areas where we have similar needs or vision for the future.

We are stronger if we pull together in the same direction wherever our interests align.