
Governor Appoints Letavic to Science & Technical Advisory Committee at Chesapeake Bay Program

Our senior project manager Erin Letavic has been appointed by Governor Wolf to the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Science & Technical Advisory Committee. The Chesapeake Bay Program is the leading voice directing the restoration of our nation’s largest estuary for recreation, industry, and the environment.  It advises state and federal agencies on policy and provides both funding and resources to entities working to improve water quality at the grassroots level.  The program’s Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee ensures that the advice and resources it provides are scientifically sound.  Members offer independent scientific and technical guidance, serve as a liaison to the region’s scientific community, and facilitate cooperation among research institutions and agencies within the watershed.

We believe Erin will be a great addition to this committee because of her broad-ranging knowledge and experience with Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts: She has two degrees – one in environmental engineering and the other in geology.  She has more than 17 years of experience helping municipalities with MS4 permitting and compliance, and she leads HRG’s work as the coordinator for 13 counties currently participating in DEP’s Phase 3 WIP Countywide Action Plan program.  She’s also an impaired streamside landowner herself and a passionate watershed advocate.

Erin Letavic

“I’m excited to bring my perspective as a practitioner and my experience on the ground to the committee. I want to give a program-level perspective on local implementation challenges, and I’m grateful that the governor and the Chesapeake Bay Program are giving me that opportunity.”