Liz Lackey Introduces Girls to Engineering

Liz LackeyToday is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (or #GirlDay, for short), and we’re happy to support any initiative that encourages young women to enter the engineering field. We have many talented women on our team, and they are always happy to answer questions from young girls considering an engineering career. One of them is Liz Lackey, a staff professional in our water/wastewater group. Here are her answers to some of the most common questions she is asked.

What inspired you to become an engineer?
In high school, I helped sample streams to monitor acid mine drainage in my local area. I also loved math. I asked my teacher how I can do both someday, and he said “environmental engineering”. I went into Penn State with that major, and I never looked back!

How do you think your job makes a difference in the community or makes the world a better place?
My job gives me a chance to feel like I’m helping to protect the environment and people’s health. I design wastewater systems that treat sewage before going into waterways, which protects the water, animals, and community. I also help to design and optimize drinking water plants, which directly protects people’s health.

What is your daily routine at work like?
In a day, I am balancing a number of different projects. A typical week involves performing calculations for chemistry and mechanical equipment, talking with clients to make sure we are meeting their needs, and lots of writing.

What are your favorite parts of the job?
I love the variety of projects I get to work on and seeing all the different technologies and techniques. I also enjoy talking to people and getting to know our clients and my coworkers.


Liz Lackey

What are you most proud of as an engineer?
I am proud of the small accomplishments, specifically thinking of a solution to a problem that saves a client time and money. You gain their trust and develop a good relationship that way, too.

Do you have a message you’d like to send to girls about why to consider becoming an engineer?
If you are someone who loves math, science, and problem solving, engineering is a really fun job. There’s all kinds of engineering, too, including chemical, computer, mechanical, and electrical. Don’t let any of it intimidate you!

Why do you think it’s important to encourage young girls to consider engineering as a career choice?
I think having diversity in the workplace is always good because people from different walks of life bring different perspectives to the job. Diversity allows for new ideas and makes stronger teams and projects, and not enough women (and minorities!) are in engineering – although that is rapidly changing!


Since we published this feature in 2019, Liz has been promoted to team leader and recognized as a rising star in the industry by  Water & Wastes Digest  and ENR MidAtlantic.   We’re grateful to have such a talented and committed engineer on our team and glad to be able to support her continued growth in this profession.


Want to hear more about a career in engineering?

Read our profiles of assistant vice president Erin Threet and project manager Erin Letavic here.