Mike Hess, P.E.
Team Leader | Municipal & Water Resources
Mike is is responsible for the management of water and water resources projects as well as permitting, municipal representation, and land development plan reviews.
Email: mhess@hrg-inc.com
Office: 717.564.1121
LinkedIn: Mike Hess
- B.S., Environmental Systems Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
- Professional Engineer, PA
- American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Municipal Services Committee Vice-Chair
- Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA)
- Project management
- Project delivery
- Business development
- Public presentation
- Client relations
- Quality assurance & quality control
- Domestic water system expansion and upgrades
- Domestic water system planning and permitting
- Municipal representation as municipal engineer
- Municipal subdivision and land development plan reviews
- Municipal zoning and Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance Preparation
- Park and trail system design and permitting
- PennDOT roadway design
- Federal design/build projects
- Stormwater management plans and associated municipal ordinances
- Stormwater management facilities and best management practices
- Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design
- Stream restoration design and permitting
- Public bidding documents and technical specifications
- Construction contract administration
- GIS program design
- NPDES permitting
- MS4 permitting
- Erosion and sedimentation controls
- Drainage systems designs