Matt Vanaskie, P.E.

Senior Project Manager

Matt  is responsible for the management of water resources projects as well as permitting, municipal representation, and land development plan reviews.

Prior to joining HRG, Matt was a water resources engineer and project technical lead with CDM Smith. He served as the team leader for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling team for the Philadelphia Water Departments wet weather services. His duties included ensuring regulatory compliance with Clean Water Act, NPDES, TMDL, MS4, and Chesapeake Bay PRP requirements as well as providing task management and technical analysis for projects and tasks involving hydrology and hydraulics, combined sewer/storm water management, green stormwater infrastructure, comprehensive watershed management, and surface water quality.

As part of his studies at Villanova, Matt completed course work in hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, environmental fluid mechanics, river and stream morphology/mechanics, and aquatic chemistry.


Office: 570.524.6744
LinkedIn: Matthew Vanaskie


  • M.S., Civil Engineering, Villanova University
  • B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bucknell University


  • Professional Engineer, PA


  • Planning Commission, City of Williamsport
  • ACE, Philadelphia – YouthBuild Program
  • Water for People


  • Project Management
  • Regulatory Compliance (Clean Water Act, NPDES, TMDL, MS4, Chesapeake Bay)
  • Capital/Operational Planning for Water, Sewer, Stormwater Utilities
  • Asset Management for Water, Sewer, Stormwater Utilities
  • Stormwater Utility and Stormwater Management Planning and Design
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Computer Modeling
  • Water Quality/Data Analysis and Watershed-Based Planning


“The City Beautiful H20 Program Plan: Rebuilding and Enhancing Infrastructure through an Integrated Wet Weather Plan for Harrisburg.” Pennsylvania Water Environment Association PennTec 2018, Hershey, PA, June 2018

“Reducing Pollutant Loads from Philadelphia’s drainage System while maximizing benefits Utilizing Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” Stormwater Association of Maryland (SWAM), February 2013 meeting.

“Reducing Pollutant Loads from Philadelphia’s Combined Sewer System and Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” 2012 WEF Stormwater Symposium, Baltimore, MD, July 2012.


Baldridge, A., Myers, R.D., Vanaskie, M. White, S., Malter, S., Raj, V. “Overview of Philadelphia Water’s Five-Year Green Infrastructure Pilot Program.” Proceedings of the 2017 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2017.