Adrienne Vicari chats with experts to get their advice on municipal budgets

Municipal Budgeting in Uncertain Times

Municipalities must finalize their budgets before the end of the year, but sometimes — like during a global pandemic — it’s hard to predict how much revenue will be available and what expenses the municipality will incur.  In this video series, a variety of experts offer their advice for how to craft a municipal budget that is resilient and responsive to change.


Lee Stinnett shares tips for municipal budget flexibility

Lee Stinnett, an attorney and municipal solicitor at Salzmann Hughes, offers 5 tips municipalities can use to build flexibility into their budgets, so they can move money around where it’s needed most and respond to unforeseen changes.


Bond attorney Jen Caron discusses restructuring and refinancing municipal debt

Bond attorney resident Jen Caron discusses options for refinancing and restructuring debt to increase cash flow.


Pat Dennis Discusses His Borough's Approach to Municipal Budgeting during COVID

Camp Hill Borough’s former manager Pat Dennis shares one municipality’s approach to budgeting during COVID and his efforts to maintain levels of service even though the borough anticipates reduced revenue in the coming year.


Josh Fox discusses capital improvement planning