
Justin Mendinsky Named One of Engineering’s Top Young Professionals

Bob Grubic presents ENR Mid-Atlantic Honors to Justin Mendinsky

Justin Mendinsky is being honored by Engineering News-Record (ENR) magazine as one of the Top Young Professionals in the construction and design industry. He is profiled alongside the other honorees in the February issue of ENR’s Mid-Atlantic edition.

Mendinsky is a team leader for the water and wastewater service group at Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. He has gained national attention for his work on the award-winning wastewater to energy project at Milton Regional Sewer Authority’s wastewater treatment facility. This $55 million project uses innovative technology to convert the highly concentrated wastewater from local manufacturing facilities into biogas that can generate electricity to power operations at the plant.  In addition to producing its own renewable energy, the newly upgraded treatment plant produces pelletized biosolids that can be sold for agricultural purposes, lowering waste management costs and providing an extra revenue stream.

As the manager of this project, Mendinsky has been invited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to speak at a national rural development conference and interviewed by major publications such as Energy and Infrastructure magazine.

However, Mendinsky’s leadership in the industry goes beyond just one project. He also currently oversees more than $1.5 million in water and wastewater engineering services each year, including all of the work associated with the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s water and wastewater facilities.

In addition, he is a member of several leading industry organizations, including the Central Pennsylvania Water Quality Association and the Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Association. He is also chairman of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association’s Engineering and Construction Committee.

Mendinsky is a leader in his community, as well. He actively participates in events for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the American Cancer Society, and Breast Cancer Support Services of Berks County.  He is also a member of the General and Occupational Advisory Committee at Carlisle High School.  This committee develops programs that help students meet the demands of the 21st century workforce.

Mendinsky’s manager, Ed Ellinger, says, “Justin is known by his fellow employees for his positive attitude and enthusiasm. He continues to inspire others to adopt his philosophy that potential is limitless.”



Engineering News-Record is a weekly magazine with close to 50,000 paid subscribers that covers news in the architecture, engineering and construction industry. In addition to its national publication, it also publishes several regional editions.

Each year, the regional editions recognize 20 industry professionals as the “best of the best.” Applicants are evaluated on their education, industry experience, leadership, and community service.

The Mid-Atlantic edition focuses on Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C.



Originally founded in 1962, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit the website at


HRG Named a Utility Valuation Expert by the PA Public Utility Commission

Many municipalities are considering selling their water and wastewater systems in order to address long-term budget and debt obligations. As one of PA’s first Utility Valuation Experts, HRG is ready to help municipalities attain fair market value for these assets.

HRG can help you determine your utility's fair market value as a registered Utility Valuation Expert


Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) was recently recognized by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission as a Utility Valuation Expert. Under legislation signed by Governor Tom Wolfe in 2016, municipalities wishing to sell their utility assets to a PUC-regulated utility can engage the services of a registered Utility Valuation Expert to determine fair market value of their system.

The program is voluntary, but it benefits both the municipality and the potential buyer by presenting a more accurate picture of a utility’s value than the traditional method.

In Pennsylvania, the purchase of water and wastewater systems by a regulated utility must be approved by the Public Utility Commission. Traditionally, the commission has considered the value of a system to be equal to its depreciated original cost (construction cost minus grants and depreciation). This approach did not consider the potential income that could be generated from the assets and frequently resulted in valuations so low that municipalities couldn’t benefit from a sale.

At the same time, with no consideration to the market or revenue, potential buyers could not be sure whether they would achieve an adequate return on their investment with the purchase.

To remedy these problems, Act 12 of 2016 created a new, voluntary approach to utility valuation based on fair market value. Under this system, the buyer and the seller each retain a registered Utility Valuation Expert to conduct independent appraisals of the utility using industry standards: cost, market, and income approaches. These appraisals use data on the physical system assets that was assessed by a professional engineer retained by both parties.

After both appraisals are submitted, an average of the fair market value calculated in each one is used as the final valuation.

HRG was one of the first firms to be listed on the PUC’s official Registry of Utility Valuation Experts. The firm specializes in providing financial services to the water and wastewater industry and has conducted numerous system reviews and valuation studies for municipalities throughout the state. Vice President Russ McIntosh has published dozens of articles on water and wastewater system financing and was honored by the Pennsylvania Municipal Authority Association for outstanding contributions and exceptional service to the industry in 2014. McIntosh has also served as an expert witness on matters of utility financing in several court cases.

“Our goal at HRG is to provide a fair and honest accounting of a utility’s value, so that the municipality can decide what is best for the long-term health and financial stability of its community,” McIntosh says. “We can go beyond mere valuation to help communities weigh all of their options for generating the money they seek to address budget needs while protecting the value of their most important assets.”

For more information about the utility valuation process defined in Act 12 of 2016, please contact Russ McIntosh at (717) 564-1121 or


HRG Named to the Central Penn Business Journal Top 100 Private Companies List

Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) has been named one of the top 100 privately held companies in Central Pennsylvania again, according to the Central Penn Business Journal.  The list is compiled annually by the publication based on total companywide revenue.

“HRG is proud to continue our place as one of the top revenue-producing firms in the Harrisburg area,” said HRG President Robert Grubic, P.E. “Every year, there is more competition for this honor as the region continues to grow, and we know we wouldn’t be able to remain a leader in the industry without the loyal support of our clients.”


Central Penn Business Journal Top 100 Private Companies 2016



Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit the website at

Vicari Named Shining Star by West Shore Chamber

Vicari Wins Luminary Award

(Names of individuals pictures from left to right:  Marissa Price, Jamie Keener, Russ McIntosh, Ryan Brockman, Adrienne Vicari, John Vicari, Andrew Kenworthy, Howard Hodder, Ryan Albright)

The West Shore Chamber of Commerce recently honored Adrienne Vicari with the Shining Star Award at their 2016 Luminary Awards luncheon.  This award is given to a woman who excels both as a professional in her industry and as a volunteer in the community, and Vicari is a true leader in both areas.

Vicari is the financial services manager at Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) and a shareholder of the firm. As a dedicated team player, Vicari has excelled at any role the firm has given her.  She first joined the firm as an engineer but quickly developed expertise in water and wastewater system financing, too.  After taking on a role in the firm’s Financial Service Group, she quickly became a thought leader in the industry, publishing articles in industry magazines and making presentations at conferences on a wide variety of water and wastewater system finance issues.  She is also developing a reputation as a leader in the emerging field of stormwater authorities in Pennsylvania.

Beyond her work at HRG, Vicari works hard for various community organizations:  She serves on the Board of the Cumberland Valley Softball Association and coaches for both the Cumberland Valley Softball 10U team and Central Penn Mini Sticks field hockey team.  She is also a founding member of Sp*rk, a group of West Shore moms who volunteer with their children for local community groups like Caitlin Smiles, Leg Up Farm, Ronald McDonald House, Dress for Success, and others.

It is such an honor to be recognized alongside so many talented women who have contributed to their profession and the entire Harrisburg community,” Vicari says. “I’m so happy that the West Shore Chamber is donating to the New Hope Ministries in recognition of this honor.  I can’t think of a more deserving organization that benefits this community.”

The West Shore Chamber of Commerce donates a portion of the proceeds from the award ceremony to a non-profit chamber member chosen by the award winners.  New Hope Ministries helps close to 15,000 residents of York and Cumberland Counties each year to become self-sufficient through counseling, workforce training and development, crisis assistance, and youth programs among others.



The Luminary Awards Luncheon was held at the Radisson Hotel in Camp Hill on August 31. The Chamber’s Women in Business Roundtable Committee selected the winners from a group of nine female nominees who exemplify leadership in the workplace and the community.


Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit the website at

Van Voorhis Trailhead Featured in West Virginia Executive Magazine

Van Voorhis Trailhead in WV Executive magazineHRG’s Morgantown Office Manager Samer Petro wrote an article about our Van Voorhis Trailhead project for the Summer 2016 issue of West Virginia Executive magazine.  The article is shared here with their permission and is also available in the online edition of their magazine.

Visit the Van Voorhis Trailhead on a sunny weekend afternoon, and you will find it packed with locals of all ages. College students, families and seniors alike use the trailhead to experience nature and keep fit, and each one sees it as a valuable recreational asset in the community.

As they admire the greenery along the trail, it’s probably hard for them to imagine that the site used to be the home of a manufacturing facility with potential environmental contaminants, but just three years ago, that’s exactly what it was.

The location of the Van Voorhis Trailhead is the former site of the Quality Glass manufacturing facility, which operated there from the 1930s until the late 1980s. For years the site sat vacant, as former manufacturing facilities often do, since potential owners feared environmental liabilities associated with its previous use.

Monongalia County Commission officials recognized the site’s potential for redevelopment that could benefit the community, and they commissioned an environmental assessment to begin the process of clearing it for new construction. According to the report they commissioned, arsenic, lead and benzo(a)pyrene were among the chemicals present.

In 2012, the Monongalia County Commission used an Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Cleanup Grant to remediate the site by placing a clay soil cap over the property and covering it with new top soil. They then agreed to deed restrictions that would prevent anyone from breaching the cap and potentially releasing contaminants. The deed also restricted withdrawing groundwater from the site for any purpose except monitoring and remediation.

With the remediated brownfield area cleared for redevelopment, the Monongalia County Commission began seeking an organization to redevelop the property, and the Mon River Trails Conservancy approached them with a vision of a new trailhead that would link the community to the Mon River Rail-Trail. This 48-mile trail links urban and rural communities in Marion, Monongalia and Preston counties and provides an outlet for walking, cycling, running, jogging and cross-country skiing to its inhabitants. Eight miles of the trail are paved, allowing for inline skating as an additional use.

To make the trailhead truly useful for guests, the Mon River Trails Conservancy wanted to expand parking on the site and add restroom facilities. It sounds simple enough, but due to the site’s former use and its location within a flood plain, engineers had to accommodate numerous environmental constraints. In designing the site, they needed to balance the needs to locate the restroom facility outside the flood plain and provide accessibility for those with disabilities while also siting the facilities in a way that avoided contact with contaminated material. They also had to locate the restroom facility to take advantage of the prevailing wind on site because the Mon River Trails Conservancy wanted to construct what is known as a sweet smelling toilet at the trailhead as an environmentally friendly, sustainable restroom facility. This waterless restroom technology, which was originally developed by the U.S. Forest Service, eliminates the odor typically associated with traditional outdoor restroom facilities when properly sited and vented.

The Van Voorhis Trailhead now has a parking lot that can accommodate up to 32 cars, including several handicap-accessible parking spaces; connecting pathways; landscaping; a trail map kiosk and a sweet smelling toilet facility for rail-trail users.

“This work has transformed a degraded, abandoned property into a valuable, useable site for trail access,” says Ella Belling, Mon River Trails Conservancy’s executive director. “It has not only had a positive impact on reducing public exposure to contaminants through the remediation process but has allowed for new community investments that will soon also include a canoe and kayak launch for the Upper Mon Water Trail.”

The Van Voorhis Trailhead project was designed by Morgantown-based civil engineering firm Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. and was partially funded by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s Recreational Trails Program, as administered by the West Virginia Department of Transportation’s Division of Highways. Other contributing partners include project contractor AllStar Ecology, LLC; the Town of Star City; the Monongalia County Commission; the North Central Brownfield Center; the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and the Mon River Trails Conservancy.


ENR Lists HRG Among Top 500 Design Firms

HRG is of ENR Top 500 Design FirmsHerbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) has again been named one of the top 500 design firms in the United States by Engineering News-Record magazine (ENR).  We’ve also been listed the 34th highest ranking firm in the Mid-Atlantic Region and the 16th highest ranking firm in Pennsylvania.  The firm has held this distinction for more than a decade.

ENR is a leading trade journal for architects, engineers, and contractors. It compiles its Top 500 Design Firms list annually based on the revenue earned by engineering and architectural firms from services performed in the preceding year.

“Competition in the engineering industry is strong,” said HRG CEO and president, Robert Grubic, P.E. “HRG is proud to continue its role as an industry leader. Every dollar of revenue we earned last year is a vote of confidence from our clients in the quality of the service we provide, and we continually work hard to maintain that confidence.  Our position at the top of our industry is a recognition that our hard work is paying off.”


Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit our website at



Unionville Road Honored with Road & Bridge Safety Award

photo courtesy of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors

Cranberry Township Wins 2016 Road and Bridge Safety Award

Left to Right: PSATS First Vice President Shirl Barnhart, PHIA Managing Director Jason Wagner, Cranberry Township Chairman Dick Hadley, Cranberry Township project engineer Kelly Maurer, project engineer Jeff Mikesic of Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc., PennDOT Deputy Secretary for Planning James Ritzman, president of the Springfield Manor Homeowners Association Steve Nalepa, and Cranberry Township Manager of Streets and Properties Bob Howland.


Cranberry Township was honored with a 2016 Road and Bridge Safety Award for the recently completed Unionville Road Reconstruction project. Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) designed this project for Cranberry Township (Butler County), and Youngblood Paving was the project contractor.

The Road and Bridge Safety Award winners were announced at the annual Pennsylvania Association of Township Supervisors conference on April 19. Winners are selected annually by the Pennsylvania Highway Information Association, the Pennsylvania Association of Township Supervisors, and PennDOT.  Projects are chosen based on their improvement to public safety and their benefit to the local community and its economy.

Prior to this project, Unionville Road had been the site of numerous accidents. Frequently, drivers were traveling too fast and colliding with objects such as utility poles and guiderail.  Cranberry Township moved quickly to improve safety by realigning the roadway to remove a dangerous curve, widening it, and correcting drainage issues.  HRG designed the project in just eight weeks, so that the project could be bid and constructed before the end of the year. There have been no reported accidents at this site since the improvements were constructed, and the township has received positive feedback from its residents on the initiative.

Cranberry Township manager Jerry Andree is proud of the project’s success and says, “Thanks to the support of our residents, we’ve been able to take a very proactive approach to maintaining and improving township roadways. This project has greatly enhanced the safety of drivers in our community, and that is the greatest reward of all.”



Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit our website at


HRG Honored as Employer of the Year by Women’s Transportation Seminar

HRG accepts WTS Employer of the Year award


The Central Pennsylvania chapter of WTS has named Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) its 2016 Employer of the Year.

WTS (or Women’s Transportation Seminar) is an international organization that promotes the advancement of women in the transportation industry. Each year, its local chapters recognize employers who enhance the transportation industry through a commitment to excellence and quality, have an outstanding record of affirmative action in hiring and promotions, support continuing education, and encourage women students to enter the transportation field by providing internship opportunities.

HRG Vice President Andrew Kenworthy accepted the award at a ceremony at the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg on Wednesday, February 10, 2016.

“HRG is proud of this honor,” Kenworthy says. “Women contribute so much to our company’s success and play a vital role in the transportation industry.  Engineers must solve complex challenges every day, and we believe a diverse workforce is crucial to the creative thinking this field requires.”



Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit our website at

Meade Avenue Relocation Recognized with Dauphin County Premier Project Award

Meade Avenue

The Dauphin County Planning Commission honored the Meade Avenue Relocation project at its 4th Annual Premier Projects Award Ceremony on January 12, 2016.

HRG served as the civil engineer for this project, which involved reconstructing and upgrading one mile of University Drive and relocating Meade Avenue.  These improvements increased safety on the Penn State Harrisburg campus by providing an alternate route for truck traffic that had previously crossed through campus to access the Capital Business Center.

The project was one phase of a long-term transportation planning effort in which HRG worked with diverse stakeholders from the university, Lower Swatara Township, the Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority, Jednota Estates and others to address conflicting traffic patterns that were limiting economic development in the area and endangering safety.

It was chosen for recognition in the Infrastructure category because it demonstrates the link between infrastructure and economic development while providing an example of how to achieve consensus among community groups with diverse and seemingly incompatible needs.

Chris Bauer, the project’s engineering manager, said, “We want to congratulate Lower Swatara Township for their leadership and initiative in bringing these groups together for the betterment of the community.  We are proud to be a part of the improvements this long-term planning is bringing to the region.”


Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit our website at

Penn Hills Senior High School Named Outstanding High School Design

HRG is proud to announce that Penn Hill Senior High School has been honored as an Outstanding High School Design by American School & University Magazine.  HRG served as the civil and site design engineer on this project alongside the architectural team at Architectural Innovations, LLC.

The 301,000 square foot facility seamlessly integrates technology into the classroom and incorporates many green design principles to help the school district lower its energy costs.

Because the new building was built on the same site as the existing building, HRG had to carefully phase the development of the site in order to avoid disrupting school activities.  Once the new building was complete, students were transitioned to that facility, the previous building was demolished, and site work began for athletic facilities and additional parking.

HRG’s project manager Jim Feath said, “It was an honor to work on this project and be a part of Architectural Innovations’ team.  We’re proud of the facility we were able to create together.”

American School & University Magazine assembles a distinguished panel of education administrators, facility professionals and architects to select the best in school and university designs from that year.  Penn Hills Senior High School was one of seven high schools across the United States cited by the panel as an Outstanding High School Design.

Congratulations to our partners at Architectural Innovations on this achievement!”



Originally founded in 1962, HRG has grown to be a nationally ranked Top 500 Design Firm, providing civil engineering, surveying and environmental services to public and private sector clients. The 200-person employee-owned firm currently has office locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. For more information, please visit our website at